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Didactic digital media (DDM) transfer information on subjects and processes and means of communication between all involved in educational processes. They are pedagogically or didactically structured respectively, conceived to be used in teaching and learning processes and are accessible via various electronic and digital means (Internet, Cloud, DVD, USB, hybrid products etc.) They are uses in didactically intended pedagogical functional interactions and enable the teaching and the learning to develop their competences (i.e. professional, social, and personal.)
Blended learning programmes (BLEP)are “combinations of face-to-face events and e-learning” (Arnold; Kilian; Thillosen; Zimmer 2018, 527.) Blended-learning programmes and blended-learning courses are teaching and learning concepts that comprise of a reasonable connexion of face-to-face, online, and autonomous learning (e-learning-) phases. In this manner digital and analogous and methods are combined.
Game-based digital educational media (game based learning) are marked by a permanent development including didactic, gaming, and technological progress. Essential for the category of SDBs (CKPs; digital game-based educational media)is the intention to implement intended educational purpose by means of gaming-based methods. The generally accepted added value of game-base learning is the basis for the development of educational games for formal and informal learning. In addition, more “game-based” elements are included in other educational media categories (called “gamification”)
Euro-societal educational media (EBM) in this context comprise all digital media products and media projects respectively that show cultural and socio-political relevance for the intensification of the European discourse. If they are considered relevant for the awareness for the European cause, they are considered Euro-societal educational media. These are characterised by three main criteria a) the topic, b) the contextualisation, and c) the implicit educational potential.
Digital media with educational potential (DMB) are not primarily intended for learning or teaching. They are nonetheless conceived in a way, they can be utilised in a teaching and learning context. Many media are developed to provide information, explain, spread knowledge, etc., and furthermore have educational potential.
Learning Management System (LMS) are digital tools adapted to educational processes or (partially) transferring it into a digital mode, respectively. We assume the LMS to be the technical connecting entity/medium between the teaching and the learning. The LMS therefore has a key role in the digital educational process. LMS’ replace and improve the classical educational environment, known the be the classroom or from the classroom, respectively.
Comenius GreenUP Prize, educational media for sustainable development (BMN)